Your progress VS Team progress

I'm in dilemma here. There is a big (can't do anything about it) survey a group of people should take, and when there are enough responses to make the data anonymous some reports are available.

I'm certain I want to make a user focused landing page, giving them the

  • What is this?
  • What should I do?
  • Where am I/What's my progress? (they can complete the survey in multiple sessions)

I'm in dilemma about the Team's status. Should one mix both "your progress" and "team's progress" on the same page?

My first approach was to create a "Let's get started!" user focused page, and display how far they progressed etc.. but at the same time, the idea of showing how overall complete the team is sounds useful. Not sure if that should be mixed within the user focused page.

Sorry, I have no good mockups at this point. Any feedback is very helpful.