‘Yes to all’ or ‘No to any’ with multiple individual questions – The best way to present to the user

I have list of approximately eight questions that need to be answered on a form (yes/no). If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' then the user is taken to page x, while if the answer to all questions in 'yes' then they are taken to page y.

To my mind, the interface for this could be done in two ways:

  1. A checkbox (or radio buttons) for each of the eight questions with a submit button at the bottom. The user can then individually asses each question, select the checkbox as required and then submit their answers.

  2. List each of the questions in a list format (or similar) with a statement like 'Do all of the above apply?', followed by a 'yes' and 'no' button.

It seems like the second option will be the simplest option and require the least effort to complete, but I am wondering if the first option would lead to a more accurate overall result as it forces the user to consider and register an answer for each question individually - e.g. less like to skip over questions etc, especially on repeat uses.

Is there a generally held rule to how something like this should be presented?