Would this approach to prompting the user to be added to a mailing list be received well?

When the user signs up for an account, as is common, there's a prompt for them to select whether or not they want to receive email regarding news about the app (changes, events, etc). Obviously its beneficial to be able to stay in touch with your users via their inbox, but you don't want to send them something that they ignore / don't appreciate.

I also want to expose the user to our "Premium" membership, so I had the idea of taking out two birds with one stone per se, and say something along the lines of:

"We want to keep you "in the know". If you subscribe to our mailing list, you'll receive a free month of Premium as a token of our appreciation."

Would this approach be a viable one, without negative effects?

Im not asking whether they would sign up, only whether or not it would come across as desperate or pushy, or have any negative effect on the user's perspective. Perhaps it would come off as unprofessional or odd, that's why I ask.