Wide table for bulk items addition

I'm designing a form with which users will be able to bulk add some items into our database. The database consists of 16 columns including the delete button, it looks like this:

enter image description here

There are obvious problems, for example the "System Type" column is not wide enough to be displayed, it needs to be expanded.

Another problem is that every field is required and people could be adding 20 - 30 items at a time. In this case an expanding panel in columns of 3 probably isn't the most optimale since they have to click to open and close on every item.


The bulk addition is supposed to mimic the spreadsheet the data originally comes from, instead of maintaining code to import an ever increasingly complex spreadsheet, I am trying to do away with the spreadsheet all together as it decreases the complexity over the long run, a user bulk adding items would typically look something like: enter image description here

Edit 2

All fields are mandatory and have to filed out for each item, the fields which can have default values set along the top are the only ones which are repeated

Do you have any suggestions on how this design can be improved?