Why does Windows 10 keep attacking me with its unwanted spam even after repeatedly turning it off?

Today, I just got ANOTHER spam thing showing up in the bottom-right from Windows/Microsoft:

Ready to choose a backup solution for your cherished pictures? Blablablabla...

I got attacked by the same thing maybe a month ago, and I asked about it on Stack Exchange. I was told to go into settings and turn it off, but I had already carefully turned off all that useless garbage when I installed Windows 10. Well, wouldn't you know, they had re-checked it for me without my consent.

And today, it apparently did it AGAIN.

Words cannot describe how insulting this is to me. After all the countless hours of active work I've wasted solely on turning off and removing unwanted garbage from Windows 10 (and all the years prior, but then to a much lesser degree), I'm still forced to see this crap.

Is it going to happen yet again in another month? Can I never "rest assured" that my OS actually works properly? Will I perpetually have to fear for the next time I'm attacked by my OS, which I paid dearly for with money (besides time and energy)?

And again, this is the Pro version. Not "Home" or "Free Edition" or "Ad-Supported" or anything. Pro! If I wanted ads, I would not pick "Pro".

Seriously, this is never going to end. And they will never have to answer to it because you all just accept it or brush it over.

(It's hopeless to ask this on "Superuser", even though it's very on-topic, because it's full of Microsoft trolls that will downvote any truth like this into oblivion and call it a "rant" without addressing the question.)