Why does the Stack Overflow swag request form have six address lines?

Some backstory: I ran in the Stack Overflow election, and lost. Poor me. The SE gods took pity upon me, though, and sent me a link to a form where I could give them an address and they would send me stuff. Like any sane human would, I wanted the swag.

The form has six address fields and a full name field:

enter image description here

I'm in the US, so I put my name in the Full Name field, my street address (123 W. Anystreet) in the first address field. I put my city/state/ZIP in the second field, and left all the rest blank.

It's been bugging me ever after, though: Why are there six address lines? Do addresses even exist that need six lines?

Why not consolidate it into one big text box, with newlines supported?