Why do light switches find themselves OUTSIDE the room they light up in some European countries?

Okay, to be fair my experience is mostly with Poland, though I have observed this electrical interior design decision in a few neighboring countries while travelling, but can't generalize there.

Coming from an American perspective it always peeved the hell out of me that light switches to brighten the main lamp of the room, restroom or corridor you're in are to be found outside that room very commonly, though on the wall not far from the doorway/one of the doorways you may not know about yet. Of course it never bothers the locals because they grew up with and got used to such things without even noticing.

To me it just seemed to defy convenience, security/privacy and common sense, though (I had thought) some might argue it's convenient to light up a room you're about to enter at the doorway (so why not just barely inside then?).

In honestly I tend to observe this less nowadays than when I'd visit my relatives or establishments in the 90's, when this building practice seemed predominant.