Why are software license windows not resizable?

In almost every software I ever installed on Windows, the EULA text is in a small non-resizable text area.

The text itself is also in small font, is not resizable and because there is a lot of it the scrollbar shrinks and only its arrow buttons are practically usable.

Usually there is no attempt to simplify navigation in the license or even display a table of contents.

My usual solution is to copy the text into a text editor. But today I found a software installer that lets me select the text of the license, but blocks copying.

To me the only understandable thing is to limit the width of text for easier reading, everything else seems arbitrary.

What are the reasons for crippling the UI like this? Or is it just an artifact of the past in MS Windows installers?

Is it maybe subtle nudging of the user to not bother reading the license?