Why are Google search results aligned to the left?

While doing some research on search results patterns I realised Google still to this day shows the results list on the left on desktop while the remaining 99% of websites are aligned to the center of the screen. Why is that?

Before writing this I did browse the forum and got to this earlier article about Google results not being responsive because of rendering time efficiency but that really doens't apply here because they just need to add margin: 0 auto to the search wrapper since the width is fixed on desktop. Then, what's the rationale here?

For mid-sized screens this doesn't pose a problem but on screens larger than 1600px wide this gets annoying fast: enter image description here

Instead, centering the search, filters and results makes my eyes rest peacefully on the page. Of course other issues start appearing around negative space on the top section but still, I find I can navigate the results faster: enter image description here

Also, their search welcome page is centered so, which I thought was at least interesting.

Any thoughts?