Why are different cursors used when hovering over buttons in Gmail?

In the Gmail interface they are not consistent in which cursor they use on button/link hover.

They use the "hand" pointer for:

  • Links in the sidebar(mail, contacts, inbox, starred etc..)
  • The mails
  • The consistent Google toolbar(top)
  • Settings
  • Chat expand and dropdown "more" buttons

They use the regular cursor for:

  • The mailtoolbar(Archive, spam, delete, +/- importance etc..)
  • The search button
  • The compose mail and new contact button
  • The send invite button

What are the reasons behind these choices and inconsistency (most specifically the send invite button) in some cases?

I have not collected data on these inconsistencies across other google products.

Info: I am using the preview theme, but it seems to be the same across all themes