Which theme should I buy for the best UX? [closed]

We are developing a student information system and we want to open a web site for advertising and explain its functions. But we couldn't be sure exactly which theme should we buy for this purpose.

We eliminate most of themes and we have 3 themes now. Could you help us the best one for the best user experience for this purpose?

  1. http://themes.dhrubok.website/bufet/home-8/
  2. https://livedemo00.template-help.com/wt_prod-20462/
  3. http://www.nurseitmukaytegin.com/envato-templates/xen/

We don't want opinion based answers, we want an explanation like "choose this template because these days people use mobile phone to surf on a web site, so this template has a better user experience on "screenshot" section because of HTML5 slider instead of Javascript slider" etc.

Note: Our customers will be 30-60 years old academicians and managers of universities.

Thank you all for your helps guys!