Which is the best graph to display sales value and target in a small space?

I'm currently doing some research into graphs for an internal weekly sales email. I've had conflicting feedback as to what type of graph is best for monthly sales vs target. I've trialled two options, and this is the feedback:

  • A gauge with segments: Users like this as it's immediately visible how well they are doing this month vs the target. However some feel that the target marker is somewhat hidden, and if they do extra well (go over 150%, which happens regularly) there's no change.

  • A bar chart: The users that don't like the gauge prefer this, as the "Sales" can keep on increasing. However this is difficult to break into the segments.

So what would be a good compromise between these two? It needs to be visual, and fit into a smallish space - 300px square on an email.

The gauge I have been using is like this (each segment represents 25%, the blue line is 100% or target).

enter image description here