Which is better for a web-based CMS UI taking Miller’s / Hick’s Laws (cognitive load) into account?

I am working on a content management system. As the app is growing, more and more content types are being requested (Think of content types as "Widgets"). I would imagine future state may have 10-15 content types.

I am wondering which is better,

Option A:
Multiple content types with specific functionality (less input fields, etc.)
Multiple Specific Widget Buttons
Options Specific to a countdown widget type

Option B:
Less content types with optional functionality (more inputs and controls to select to customize)
Fewer widget types with more function options
Image widget with example checkbox to make it have a countdown

In these examples, I am showing a countdown option. In general the button triggers a modal where options (inputs fields, upload boxes, etc.)exist. My gut is telling me lot's of widgets, less options rather than few widgets, lot's off options, the latter is too much cognitive load, etc. But I am not 100% sure. Thank you in advance for you thoughts!