Where to redirect after inviting someone?

We have 3 states for Users: Active, Invited and Disabled. Each user with the specific state is broken into a different tab. For example:


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This shows the Active users list. When Invited is selected, only pending invitations are shown. And when Disabled is selected, only disabled users are shown.

The Invite Users button is visible on all 3 of the state tabs. When clicked, the user is taken to a form to enter one or many emails to invite:


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When Send Invitations is clicked, the user is redirected to the Invited tab and shown a message:


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Is it correct to redirect to the Invited tab regardless of which tab they were originally on?

Or, should the user be redirected to their initial tab from which they clicked the Invite Users button (Active, Invited or Disabled)? Is the user their original context by being redirected to the Invited tab?