Where should I redirect after filling a "creation" form?

HI hope y'all doing well

I have an app where users need to create different items.

There's a page that displays all the items created that as a "Create new..." button.

The user's path:

  1. User goes to the "all items" page.
  2. Clicks on "Create new..." button.
  3. Complete a form.
  4. Click save.
  5. ...

Where should the user be directed after?

I've found 2 possible options:

  • Some argue that the user should go back to where he came from i.e. "all items" page.
  • Some say the user should be directed to the "newly added item" page.

Is there a solution better than the other?

Thanks :)

[Edit] by "newly added item" I mean a different page than the one where the user completed the form. See the screenshot below.

Should the user follow the dashed purple line or the red dotted line after the click on the "save" button?

screen shot