Where should I put the delete button?
I have a sidebar which shows all links that users saved. Since it's just a sidebar, I want to keep it as simple/clean as possible. Thus I use the cross icon next to the link for deletion.
Option 1
pros: easy to know which link to delete
cons: delete buttons not align
Option 2
pros: easy to know which link to delete, delete buttons align
cons: it seems weird to put the delete button at the beginning
Option 3
pros: delete buttons align, also align with the collapse icon, which looks good.
cons: delete buttons are far away from the link and may cause the wrong deletion. (Add a border around the row or separate each row using different color can mitigate this problem but the sidebar looks messy)
Overall I prefer option 3 but how to ensure users click the right delete icon?
Thanks for all your suggestions, my final design is as below: