Where should I place my inline data table buttons?

I'm building a desktop application with the intent for my users to perform action items on remote devices (can't say due to company IP). Users will also check the status of these devices, pre and post action.

I have a data table with all of the fields that users will need to check. See image below. My action items are located above the data table. Each entry in the data table also has two inline buttons, one for additional information (left hand side), and another one to remove the device from the table (right hand side).

snapshot of data table

The company really would like our users to perform the action items (not shown) on all of the remote devices at once, so for that reason I have not considered adding a checkbox to the data table to avoid confusion.

My question is: Am I using the best design here for my inline buttons? I am only showing about 70% of the fields, and the data table does become pretty wide. Although, if the user is using the app full-screen, it is always easy to see all the content in the table. Would it be preferable to have my inline buttons next to each other, either both on the right or both on the left, or am I going crazy just over-analyzing this?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!