When to use accordion? Is it good to use accordion for whole component?

We are working on application for smart parking. CEO got design (2) from UX designer. I said to him that the design 2. is not good for future and provided to him first 1. design. What do you think?

This design should be for owners of parking lots. Now for web, later for mobile devices.

What I dont like about 2. design is :

The back button on the right top - why would be there back button? User can use back button in browser. Typically in the most apps there is a profile with dropdown menu at right top.

Accordion - It doesn't make sense to have name of the city as accordion and then after click show the parking lots. What to do when there will be more cities? As I know the accordion is used to show particular information eg. FAQ...but there is particular information just name of the city.

There is no overall information about all lots together like in design 1.

There are no icons which help user to understand informations

The biggest thing I don't like is probably the accordion, I don't know why cities should has be as list and accordion. City should be separated view. Is it good use of accordion?

