When to hide comments under the “show comments” button?

I’m designing a comment system for a magazine site. What is the best solution for showing comment section for newspaper / magazine?

My current structure of the article is like this:

  • Header
  • Content
  • Share post
  • Author
  • Comments
  • Related

Current options are:

Show comments after the post in full


  • no additional action to show comments section is needed
  • user won’t skip comments


  • takes a lot of space: you must show related before the comments
  • comments loading time adds to the page load

Partly hide comments under the button

This solution shows 1 or 2 (generally up to 5) comments, and then shows button


  • Takes considerable amount of space
  • Not as easy skippable as a single button
  • Allows to load other comments asynchronously later


  • You most likely need to use some voting system in place, otherwise visible comments may not be that interesting
  • Requires additional action to view other comments

Completely hide comments under the button

Show only button “Show n comments”, then load comments after the click.


  • Takes less space of all
  • Allows to load other comments asynchronously later


  • Easy skippable - may be no noticed at all
  • Doesn’t invite user to participate

Are there any other pros and cons to these approaches? Second seems the best for me for now, but maybe I’m missing something?