When exporting data, is it alright if we don’t show the data?

my question may be rather confusing without the context, please allow me to explain and I will really appreciate it if you will give me your suggestions and insights :)

I'm currently designing a part of our in-house portal and there's this page where I show a table of data such as the statuses of our devices. This data can be changed according to the user's needs, such as if they want to see the data for the month of June, they can select 'June' and the data will change accordingly. Then, there is the export button that will export the data using the information on the table, into another format via csv. Ideally, I should show the data for easy reference and from what I researched, it is the convention.

However, I was questioned (most likely due to efficient use of resources) if the presentation of the data is even needed. Because the user simply needs the exported csv only. Which is also true because assuming that our portal does everything for her accurately, she doesn't need to check and refer to the table. And if she wants to check, she can just look at her csv and edit from there.

Hence, I'm stuck. Because sometimes conventions aren't the best but at the same time conventions are what people are used to.