When and how present a warning message when fields are not valid anymore?

I am working on a web app in which admin users can create forms, and editor users use those to create content. Admin can edit a form previously created and add warning validation based on specific content (determined by Regex).

Warning message workflow:

  1. Admin created an "ABC" form with a "DFE" field with no warning validation method.
  2. User A fills an "ABC" form (with title "ABC1").
  3. Admin edit "ABC" form, assign a new warning validation to "DFE" field.
  4. User A edit the "ABC1" form.

Question: Although "ABC1" form field "DFE" was previously valid, it is now possibly not abiding by the new validation. If the field is not valid, when and how can we display the change that affects that field and its content?