What’s the best "Reset to Default" UI element?

What's the best UI element for "Reset to Default" for the fields in a form?

We have default text inputs in a form. Uses can edit the default text inputs, and we want to allow users to revert back to the default text inputs easily.

I can think of three solutions:

  1. A link to "Reset to default" enter image description here
    Pro: The link only shows when there's an edit. Therefore, the form can look cleaner.
    Con: No way to toggle between the default and edit easily.

  2. Checkbox to toggle between default and edit enter image description here
    By default, all checkboxes are selected. When users make edits, the corresponding checkbox will be unselected.
    Pro: User can toggle between default and edit easily.

    • A checkbox appears in every field, and it can make the form looks not clean.
    • The interaction is unexpected when users make edits.
    • It's unclear what it will do when unchecking the chekboxes.
  3. Use toggles to switch between default and edit enter image description here
    Similar interaction to the checkbox solution above, when users make edits, the corresponding toggle will change.
    Pro: It's clearly a binary choice.

    • A toggle appears in every field, and it can make the form not clean.
    • The interaction is unexpected.
    • It's unclear what it will do when switching.

What do you think of the above three solutions? I'm open to other solutions if it's more intuitive.

Thank you for your time and feedback.