What’s the best empty basket page/message for e-commerce?

I'm looking for e-commerce experience and I really think that just show a message saying your cart is empty is so boring. I feel that we must show something more interactive for the users.

What's the better empty shopping cart message/page that you've seen? Do you have some data/statistics about empty shopping cart conversion?

Look what I designed and give me your opinion which one should works better, please.

PS.: My user has between 25-55 years, most part male and are buying roofing materials. The sales process is not so short, not so impulsive and sometimes the user can add products to the cart, leave and back in the further, and not always they cart still there (if they don't save).

Option 1) All empty and none value with some opacity but looks like the real shopping cart. Simulate where will be the products and show button to go to the homepage. enter image description here

Option 2) All empty and none value with some opacity but looks like the real shopping cart. Funny image to be not so boring. enter image description here

Option 3) All empty and none value with some opacity but looks like the real shopping cart. Show last seen products. enter image description here

Considering all discussed and the template options. Which one do you consider better?