What type of control lets me either Select an item from a list or View Details of that item instead?


I need to build a sharing control that lets you share an item with individual or multiple users.

To avoid having to select the same set of individual recipients each time I have created a Group function (managed in a separate section of the webapp), where you can assign individuals to groups so that you can then share that content with a Group instead of a list of Individuals.

Now, I don't want to just have a list where the user can select the Group they want to share with, because they may wonder who is in that group, and the only way currently to find out is to abandon the Sharing and go to the Group section of this webapp. So I'm trying to find a way to let users see who is in a group when they're choosing it, should they wish to know.

However, I'm struggling with the best sort of control that allows you to select the Group or view the list of people within that group. It's becoming a clunky dropdown+tooltip / expander mess that isn't very intuitive, scalable and unlikely to be very accessible either.

My first option was to use a hover / click to show the members as a sort of tooltip, but I don't think this is very accessible, and isn't very scalable incase the group contains 10s of items.

enter image description here

My second option was to have the list as some expanders, which is more scalable, but then makes it look like you're selecting individuals not the group as a whole.

enter image description here

Is it even going to be possible to combine both View and Select into the same control?