What to report when conducting a usability testing with a small sample (5 participants)?

We are going to conduct a usability testing with a small sample (5 participants) as part of an iterative design process meaning we understand that the whole idea of 5 participants is to gather feedback, improve the design and perform more usability testings in future iterations.

But my question is: what should be reported to the development team when you have a small sample of 5 participants?

More in detail what I mean with my question:

  • Should we just report usability problems observed (qualitative data such us: "3 participants clicked in the wrong button when trying to sign in") or can we report task completion, time on task, SUS, etc. (for example: "task completion was 60% for task 1"?
  • Or are these metrics (task completion, time on task, etc) only for quantitative usability testing where you have a bigger sample of 30+ participants?

Thank you in advance,