What to do with loading animation for very short load times?

Within our iOS mobile app, we have a list of templates the user can choose from:

enter image description here

Each template has (initially) remote assets that need to be downloaded and cached before the user can go into edit-mode. If the user tapped on a template, two things could happen:

  1. If all the template assets are already cached - just go straight to the edit-mode screen.
  2. If one or more assets aren't cached - we present a modal that showing the "fetch progress". Once it's done download & cache - we go into the edit-mode screen.

The issue is that sometimes fetching the asset of the template could take 0.1/0.2 seconds. Which is far shorter than the modal presentation animation (takes around 0,5).

Here's the UI we designed for the modal:

enter image description here

My questions here:

  • Is it appropriate to dismiss the modal without animation when the fetch completed?
  • Is there a best practice for this kind of scenario, where the modal could be dismissed while it's presenting itself (during the presenting animation)?
  • Will using a modal other than a full-screen one is more appropriate?


Here is the outcome of your answers. What do you think? (This showcasing a device with a fast internet connection)

enter image description here