What to do with high amounts of results (data)

For a future implementation in our software we are facing the issue of large amounts of data.

The main question in this situation is that how do we handle and display the data. because the data also needs to be editable ( single row and batch update).

Because of perfomance issues we cannot show all the information but we want to be able to edit all information in 1 go.

Right now we have a pagination component that displays the total results retrieved and the total results displayed.


If multiple entries can be added together, would you show them as a single row. Or keep them in multiple rows.

To give some more information on what we currently are using. This is the wy we currently use grids.

enter image description here


We are going to retrieve the availability within a hotel for a group of visitors. The amount of data we are going to retrieve is determined by multiple factors.

Date * Roomtype (range from 1 to 5) * price * dates before * dates after.

Within the implementation we are going to get it could easyly give the following result.

180 days * 2 roomtypes * 2 prices = 720 rows with results