What should my professional email be, if the .tech domain name already includes my first name? [on hold]

I'm a software developer and I would like to have a professional email with .com or .tech domain name. Let's say my full name is John Smith and I have registered the following domains:

  • john.tech
  • smith.tech
  • johnsmith.com

I've read couple similar threads in here and I've came up with the several possible emails:

  • john@john.tech - is it way too much redundancy or maybe even easier to remember?
  • me@john.tech - too playful?
  • contact@john.tech - too impersonal?
  • john@smith.tech - looks good, but suggests that the whole family is in tech?
  • contact@smith.tech - too broad, it's not clear who'll you reach
  • john@johnsmith.com - my real full name is 7 characters long so the whole email like that would be 26 characters and I'm thinking that it may be way too long
  • me@johnsmith.com
  • contact@johnsmith.com

Do you think is it okay to use .tech domain name or it's better to stick with .com even though it's much longer domain (first name and last name consists of 14 characters)? Which email would be the best for personal use and which for professional use?