What should be the color of ON state so that user doesn’t switch it off?

I am working on one plugin for the Outlook. This plugin is for email sharing. When user tries to compose email a notification butter bar will come up in compose window and will say that particular setting is ON. User will get an option to switch that setting OFF by using the toggle button.

Now the catch is, I want to keep that setting ON by default and don't want user to switch it OFF ever but still want to empower user by giving an option to switch it off. I want to keep Switched ON state less highlighted and switched OFF state highlighted so that user switches it ON.

  1. If I keep Switched ON color Green and Switched OFF color Red, Switched ON is highlighted and user might turn it off due to his attention to that button Switched ON with Green Color Switched OFF with Red Color

  2. If I keep Switched ON color grey and Switched OFF color Red, Switched ON state is not highlighted but user might feel that grey is a disabled state as per iOS or Microsoft convention and user might play around and switch it OFF. Switched ON with Grey Color

How do I handle this problem? I want to tell user that it is ON but don't want to highlight it much and also don't want user to feel that this is some disabled feature.