What resources exist for designing virtual reality experiences?

I'd like to read some resources on VR. Interests include:

  • Major 'no-nos' for immersive experiences;
  • Design patterns for VR
  • Case studies of VR products
  • Hidden difficulties with the practicality of creating VR experiences (e.g. moving from 2D assets to 3D)
  • How to user test an immersive product
  • Usability heuristics for 3D
  • Relevant materials from 3D game design
  • Where to find academic research or university project writeups
  • Openly available VR products to use as benchmarks
  • 3D space design guidelines in general

VR is pretty cutting edge, so imagine most of the resources are quite piecemeal, or hidden behind paywalls. That's okay! I'm a patient reader. I'd just like to know if others have discovered anything interesting.