What layout to choose for input fields with units?

I'm currently in the wireframing stage of a project with a medical background. Nurses, Doctors and so on use the interface to enter captured patient data, mostly measured values in different units. My goal is to make the layout more efficient when you want to enter all the measured values into the input fields - the users jump from field to field and quickly need to grasp the relevant input-information. Some input fields provide maximum values, I want to use these to adjust the lengths of the input fields respectively so that the length of the input field acts as an affordance for the user. Some fields don't provide maximum values, so I need to resort to a default field-length. All input fields need to display the unit.

I came up with two versions: Version A aligns with the standard model of NUMBER - UNIT, like 10 kg, 10 minutes, 10 cm. Nielsens heuristic »Match between system and real world« and »Consistency and standards« come to mind.

Version B offers a more structured approach. Users always find the unit in the exact same spot, eyes don't need to travel at the end of the input field only to go back straight afterwards. No matter how long the input field is, even if the entered value is just 2 characters long you still got the unit and value next to each other. Heuristics like »Flixibility and efficiency of use« come to mind.

What would you go for and why?
