What is the terminology for "floating links"?
Quite often I come across this type of an answer:
The answer is in this mechanism. [2 lines of mechanism] Your mistake was [2 lines]
Also note that another reason is [2 lines]
The pattern here is that the user writes an answer, and in the middle of it, leaves a "floating link" - whose connection with either paragraph is unclear and requires some explanation.
It is not clear whether it's supposed to be a "Read more here" link, or a "Source from" link, or a "The full answer is here" link, or any other application the viewer could think of. A better way to write that link would have [How is this url supposed to help the reader?](url)
(assuming markdown, but you get the point) Without the latter, this hurts user experience.
Far too often, I've found myself calling these "floating links", but I am not sure if this is the correct terminology. What is the correct terminology to refer to such links?