What is the proper name for "catastrophe style" blocks of content?

We're building a layout for a big newspaper with lots of customizable content blocks for different needs. One of the requests is what they call "Catastrophe Block": a special block that will show up on front page taking the full width of the layout, with bigger font and abundant use of images and/or infographics.

Now we're building this section, and I could go with that name, since they are already using it. However, this will be used by 200+ different editors, and the block will be used for any kind of important content, not necessarily a catastrophe. For example: a sports final, elections, some huge entertainment news (like Oscars awards) and so on. Besides, I'd like to avoid negative connotations.

In short: I can't find a proper name for this (and to make it worse, the newspaper is in English). What would be the correct name for this kind of section in media industry?


I'm not looking for opinions. I could call it "Breaking News" (which is the taxonomy the element will use). I'm wondering if there's an accepted and DOCUMENTED standard name for this