What is the optimal position for groupings of odd numbered buttons on a form?

I have 3 buttons on a form: submit, cancel, and exit. I used a larger size and topmost position for the submit and put the cancel and exit as smaller buttons below on the left and right respectively.

However, a triangular placement of the buttons doesn't look right as the form is in the center of the page and it has a more vertical look than horizontal. The triangle placement doesn't seem to fit well design-wise.

I've seen suggestions to use color and size to direct users to buttons, so for this specific case, what is the best practice to position the submit/cancel buttons together, since they function as a group and then the position the exit button in a placement that fits it best as being outside the main functionality, but still part of the form?

The submit is really a calculation button and cancel resets values. The exit will take the user out of the app back to the other application page where they called the calculation app.