What is the Material Design way to have form fields that are displayed but should never be editable

I have a form and in the form, there is a field called ID - this field is a unique indicator and is never editable.

If I'm using Material Design principles to design my form, how am I supposed to show this to the user?

Looking at the MDC-Web's recommendations for Text fields, it looks like the only thing I can do is disable the field.

https://material.io/components/web/catalog/input-controls/text-field/ https://material-components-web.appspot.com/text-field.html

So according to their examples, my Id field should look something like below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

For me, these make it look like Id is something I might be able to edit, but for whatever reason it's been disabled. It doesn't seem appropriate for something like an ID field which is basically intended as information for the user only.

According to Material Design principles and preferably using the MDC-web framework, how should I display these fields?