What is the best way to show that a score of 5/10 is what the user should have as a goal to achieve?

I am working on a project in which we will have a scale that at one end has one extreme, and at the other another extreme. When we give the user a score, we want to display that a 5/10 (50% in the scale) is an ideal score as it displays balance between the two extremes. A score higher than 5 is even better as it favors the user, but a 5 should already be seen as a win for the user.

When we give our users the 5/10 at the moment, they see it as a low score. I have been looking into other grading systems (e.g. credit scores in the US with 0-700 point scales, martial art belt colors, a simple descriptive label such as poor, fair, good, very good, exceptional).

How would you both phrase and visualize the goal of achieving 5/10 to make the user see it as a positive?