What is the best location on a form for an information icon?

I am trying to create a form for my web app, which requires information elements to be added. In general I would refer to the documentation of the framework that I would be using (which in my case would be Bootstrap if this would be any helpful information).

Whenever reading through the documentation, I cannot seem to find any information regarding my need for given element. (The only thing that might be useful is that I could be using an icon from the Bootstrap framework called: glyphicon-info-sign).

I could be using something similar the answer given on this question I found on SE.

Option 1:

Option 1 form

Option 2:

Option 2 form

Option 3:

Option 3 form

What is considered best practice or what might be the best solution concerning the placement location of an information icon? Should I place the icon directly after the label, should I make sure there is enough space between the label and the icon? Should the icon be after an input field?