What is the best layout for a survey screen in a website?

I'm designing an onboarding survey for a sale education portal where the learner after signing up takes up a small survey based on which a program is recommended to the learner. This survey is supposed to have 6-10 questions which are all mandatory.

Below are a few options I have been working on for the survey screen.

Option 1 - List

Show all the questions directly on the screen one below the other and have a submit button at the bottom of the screen.

enter image description here

Option 2 - Wizard

Show one question at a time and provide a next/prev button to move forward and backward in the survey. The last step will have a submit button.

enter image description here

Option 3 - List+Wizard

Show a set of related questions at a time and provide a next/prev button to move forward and backward in the survey. The last step will have a submit button.

enter image description here

I believe for a larger survey it's always better to follow option 3 for the best user experience but, having only 6-10 questions in the survey has confused me in deciding a solution without compromising the user experience.

Let me know your thoughts.