What is the best approach on recovering your login account if being hacked or logged in by different user
I'm a beginner in terms of UX. Your thoughts are highly appreciated. I love to discuss related to security with regards to a personal account on the mobile app that contains sensitive or important data/information.
Sample scenario
- What will you do if your account is hacked, changed the email address, and change password in a new one? What are the best ways for you to perform when you want to recover your Acc?
This my flow Idea for the problem:
- User can recover the account by putting the old email address (old email address will still be active but not visible on the app)
- After that user verifies it in the old email and creates a new password for security (Note: user don't need to type the current password)
- Old email will be back again on the app and disregard the new one.
Let me know your thoughts. Thank you!