What icon best describes "Waiting for credit approval"?

We have an app which has money transaction and a % of that money we return in Bonus Cash (similar to a rewards system).

To illustrate, the user should read something around these lines:

Your total balance is $23.00.
$5.00 is waiting approval.

Basically, the user can immediately use $23 in rewards, which we already approved. But another $5 that he generated from another transaction in the past is not approved but our administrative team yet.

I want to use an icon next to this information to better clarify to the user. We thought in using a clock or hourglass, but it seems off.

Ps: We legally have to show this "waiting for approval" number somewhere, since it's a consumer's right. But not yet available.

Actual wireframe of the app to illustrate even more (in Portuguese). There are two types of Bonus, that's why we have two sections, both have this "Waiting approval" (Aguardando Liberação) message.

enter image description here


eBonus - My Profile
My Bonus

Network Bonus         Store Bonus
R$23,00               R$49,00
You can use this      See details
bonus anywhere.

R$5,00 is waiting    R$13,57 is waiting
for approval.         for approval

Prior to seeing this screen the user has an understanding of what these two types of Bonus are.

Layout option with Icon right next to the info:

enter image description here


Does putting the icon makes sense? If so, which would be more appropriate?