What (FontAwesome) icon should I use for "count" operation?

We have a standardized paginated table template. We already use FontAwesome icons to represent paging operations

  • << to go to the first page
  • < to go to previous page
  • Numbers to a specific page
  • > to next page
  • >> to last page

I am required to add a new button to the table footer, which will initiate a count operation to get the total row count.

Question is: what icon should I use than fa-abacus?

The person that required the activity says they not like that icon, it is barely visible, and requested me to replace that icon with text, like "Count". I argument that using text than an icon would conflict with the design choice of using icons with tooltip text. But it is a fact that the abacus icon does not render great at small sizes, and also that I am one of the few comfortable with high resolutions and small elements

FontAwesome's Abacus

More info:

We are using forked version of Lorenzofox's Smart Table for Angularjs. Our paginated tables do not necessarily report the total count of the result set, because we found that for some customers with extremely slow Oracle instances and with tables full of more than 160M records, the count query takes an excessive time.

Recently, the customer requested us to implement the count operation for such tables, and my task is to add a button that does this operation asynchronously.

Following is an example Table example

With a descriptive tooltip

Count with tooltip

I have explicitly cited FontAwesome in the question title because this is the library we currently use for icons. I initially googled for "count icon" and the best match was an abacus, then I searched for abacus in FontAwesome.

My question is not necessarily related at which FA icon represents a count, but which icon in general can represent a count. In my case I chose an abacus thanks to Google Images