What does "Ignore" and "Ignore All" really mean in Spell Check

Let's look at the below statement:enter image description here

What happens when you ignore the word "beleeve" from the sentence.

  1. It ignores it for the current session. If a new session is created it shows it as an error.
  2. It ignores that specific word from that specific document. But will show it as an error if the word is written again on the document.

  3. Does the document continue to ignore the word even if we close and re-open it?

There seems to be no consensus / pattern in using Ignore or Ignore all. please check the screenshots below match the patterns. It is quite inconsistent throughout the industry.

How could one understand the best experience for the user?

Few examples of the most commonly used editors ( Online and software ):

1 - Google Drive enter image description here

2 - Word enter image description here

3 - Zoho Docs enter image description here

4 - Pages enter image description here

5 - Evernote enter image description here