What do people think of Color’s interaction design?

This is hands-down the worst UI I've ever seen in an iPhone application, and I've seen a lot.

They seem to have done everything backwards.  They've started from a UI that typically comes from years of usage where most of your users are power users.  Normally, when you launch an application, you start with a UI tailored to people who have no clue how your application works.

When you present such a novel interface, you should do some hand-holding, especially if it isn't self-evident.  I personally don't believe in UIs that are not self-evident, but at least provide instructions if you're going to hide the functionality from people. They have taken a mystery meat approach to the navigation.  I keep accidentally discovering new areas or functionality in the most bizarre ways.

Follow the human interface guidelines.

In an attempt to to be unnecessarily innovative, they've defied all of the standard navigation paradigms of the meticulously designed Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG).  This would be fine if it was an improvement upon an already existing notion within people's minds, but, instead, they have chosen a very abstract UI that doesn't make sense in any world.

Those are my major complaints.  The idea behind it is worth exploring, but please, please, bring the UI down to earth.

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