What are some analogs for "My Account"?

I'm working on a web application and I'm looking to name the area of the site that has the following:

  • Manager Profile (preferences for the current user who is a manager. Like avatar, name, email, etc)
  • Company Profile (preferences for the current user and others in their company, like the company mailing address)
  • Notifications (alerts for the user)
  • Billing (user payment history)
  • Security (recent logins for the user)

I considered Profiles but that wouldn't be encompassing enough. I could also call it My Account or Your Account but that may not reflect the company profile aspect. I currently have it named Settings, though not sure that would encompass Billing and Security. I also just want to have one button to get to this area.


I've viewed this and this.

Given the current design, I don't think using just the name of the user can work (as it works on SO).