What approach should I use to let users "build" complex products?

I have a project I'm working on where the product detail page starts with a SKU, and as you build, or configure the product, it turns into a unique SKU/product. Not very different from a lot other ecommerce sites.

However, there are 3 or 4 configurations to be made. I started going the dropdown route but wanted to take a more visual approach so that the customer can see themselves actually building out a product and how them making one configuration effects their choices for the next configuration to be made. However, now I find out that each configuration might have around 10 or so options. I'm worried about overcrowding the page.

Casa.com does it pretty well, I think.. but their options for #2 have limited text in them...some of mine might have triple that amount.


Is casa's approach valid? What other sites take this approach? I've seen Amazon do this as well.