Weekly News for Designers № 512

Envato Elements

RegexGuide – A tool that takes the pain out of writing regular expressions.

A tiny guide to Variable Color Fonts – Learn the secrets behind this promising new development in typography.
A tiny guide to Variable Color Fonts

Exploring the Beauty and Power of Volumetric Backgrounds in Web Design – Examples of how 3D animation can enhance web backgrounds.
Exploring the Beauty and Power of Volumetric Backgrounds in Web Design

Making Gooey Image Hover Effects with Three.js – Use this tutorial to create a compelling image reveal effect.
Making Gooey Image Hover Effects with Three.js

Arcade Game Typography reminds us of the best of 8 pixel monospaced fonts – A look at the fonts behind your favorite classic video games.
Arcade Game Typography reminds us of the best of 8 pixel monospaced fonts

Focus Overlay – A library for creating overlays on focused elements. Beautiful design and better accessibility.
Focus Overlay

Too Many Threads: A Scattered Approach to Coding – Why scouring the support threads for code isn’t always the best idea.
Too Many Threads: A Scattered Approach to Coding

An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools – A resource for finding helpful add-ons to the command line.
An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools

Free Abstract Tropical Patterns and Minimalistic Vectors – Bring the spirit of the tropics to your projects with these free vector graphics.
Free Abstract Tropical Patterns and Minimalistic Vectors

Accessible Drop Caps – Creating a drop cap that maintains accessibility may be more involved than you thought.
Accessible Drop Caps

Haptic UX — The Design Guide for Building Touch Experiences – Build experiences that leverage our sense of touch.
Haptic UX — The Design Guide for Building Touch Experiences

CSS variables, input[type=”color”] and form animations – A quick guide to creating a more interesting set of form elements.
CSS variables, input[type="color"] and form animations

The Future of Freelancing with WordPress – How Gutenberg, leadership and corporate influence may affect freelancers.
The Future of Freelancing with WordPress

Awesome Design Plugins – A resource for finding plugins for Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD.
Awesome Design Plugins

GitRoyalty – Add a paywall to your open source projects for subscribers via git.

Buy Me a Coffee – Help support content creators through this payment app.
Buy Me a Coffee

Meet Spectrum, Adobe’s design system – Have a look at Adobe’s new design system and download UI components.
Meet Spectrum, Adobe’s design system

Typography Resources – A curated directory of resources to buy, learn and acknowledge great typography.
Typography Resources

50 Free Animated Icon Set – Download a set of free animated icons, available in multiple formats and styles.
50 Free Animated Icon Set

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