Weekly News for Designers № 495

The Design Trend of Utilizing Monochrome Colors in Hero Areas – Some exciting examples of how monochromatic colors can help you stand out.
The Design Trend of Utilizing Monochrome Colors in Hero Areas

Approaching the Website Design Process from the Browser – Should designers skip the static mockup and head straight to the browser?
Approaching the Website Design Process from the Browser

HTML can do that? – 10 examples of surprising features that run on pure HTML.
HTML can do that?

User Experience: Best Practices on Effective Visual Hierarchy – How to create a compelling visual hierarchy for both web and mobile products.
User Experience: Best Practices on Effective Visual Hierarchy

Track This. – This tool from Firefox will trick trackers into thinking you’re someone else.
Track This.

mps-youtube – A terminal-based YouTube media player and downloader.

Making the Most of Slow Times at Your Web Design Business – A slowdown at work can be a terrific opportunity to accomplish something positive.
Making the Most of Slow Times at Your Web Design Business

Design is a (hard) job. – A short essay examining how the pressures of client work can negatively impact the joy of design.
Design is a (hard) job.

Google’s robots.txt Parser is Now Open Source – Test your robots.txt files using Google’s robust tool.
Google's robots.txt Parser is Now Open Source

Tips for rolling your own lazy loading – A guide for adding your own implementation of lazy loading functionality.
Tips for rolling your own lazy loading

Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator – Use this tool to configure SSL for your specific setup.
Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator

How to Determine Which Skills You Should Learn – Level up your career by ignoring buzzwords and looking inward.
How to Determine Which Skills You Should Learn

Google Earth Ported to Browsers with WebAssembly – Soon, you’ll no longer need a standalone app to take advantage of Google Earth’s features.
Google Earth Ported to Browsers with WebAssembly

What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites – Speed matters, especially on mobile. Learn how to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your site.
What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites

The First Sony Walkman Was Released 40 Years Ago Today – Celebrating a gadget that was, at the time, the pinnacle of mobile tech.
The First Sony Walkman Was Released 40 Years Ago Today

7 free icon sets to download on Dribbble – A diverse selection of icons available for use in your projects.
7 free icon sets to download on Dribbble

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