Weekly News for Designers № 479

Using Shaders to Create Realistic Special Effects in Web Design – Check out some amazingly advanced effects built with the help of shaders.
Using Shaders to Create Realistic Special Effects in Web Design

iro.js – A modern HSV color picker widget for JavaScript that uses SVG.

Beautiful interactions – Learn how to create some amazing drag-and-drop animations.
Beautiful interactions

Git hacks you should know about – Some useful tips that can help you avoid disaster.
Git hacks you should know about

Getting Started with Animate.css – Use the popular library to create top-notch animations in no time.
Getting Started with Animate.css

branded. – A free tool for creating and maintaining style guides.

Design in Tech Report 2019 – View the trends that are defining design this year.
Design in Tech Report 2019

Start Fast with These Demo Content Generators – A collection of handy tools for creating dummy content for your projects.
Start Fast with These Demo Content Generators

Handtrack.js: Hand Tracking Interactions in the Browser using Tensorflow.js and 3 lines of code. – Learn how to use the JS library to track user hand movements.
Handtrack.js: Hand Tracking Interactions in the Browser using Tensorflow.js and 3 lines of code.

Podcasts Repo – A curated collection of podcasts of interest to designers and developers.
Podcasts Repo

Design Checklist for the Perfect Charts – Lots of great tips for building visually-appealing and functional charts.
Design Checklist for the Perfect Charts

Component frameworks and web standards – A comparison of using frameworks vs. “vanilla” solutions.
Component frameworks and web standards

Lesser-known CSS properties in GIFs – While some of these properties are obscure, they can really have a positive impact on your projects.
Lesser-known CSS properties in GIFs

How to Keep Clients for Years to Come – Building a strong foundation for long-term client relationships.
How to Keep Clients for Years to Come

ColouriseSG – An online tool for turning your black and white photos into color.

CSSeffectsSnippets. – A collection of handy CSS animations that you can copy and paste.

Complete Intro to React v5 – A detailed guide for using the popular JavaScript library.
Complete Intro to React v5

Charts – A free, comprehensive collection of charts, graphs and diagrams for Sketch.

Follow Speckyboy on Twitter or Facebook for a daily does of web design resources and freebies.

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