Weekly News for Designers № 478

12 Fantastic Examples of Incorporating Lines in Web Design – A look at how the use of lines can add to a design.
12 Fantastic Examples of Incorporating Lines in Web Design

Startup Calculator – How long will it take for your startup to turn a profit?
Startup Calculator

Laws of UX – A collection of maxims and principles for building user interfaces.
Laws of UX

Learning to Learn – Ways to further your education in design and development.
Learning to Learn

Accessible Brand Colors – Use this tool to check the ADA accessibility of your color scheme.
Accessible Brand Colors

How Losing a Big Client Changed My Career for the Better – Sometimes a tough break can lead you down a better path.
How Losing a Big Client Changed My Career for the Better

CSS Selectors Cheatsheet – A combination of a game, quick reference guide and printable cheatsheet.
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet

Colorful Pattern Masking in Illustrator – Follow this guide to create some incredible text masking effects.
Colorful Pattern Masking in Illustrator

Breaking Boxes With CSS Fragmentation – An intro to the CSS fragmentation spec, which affects print styles and multicolumn layouts.
Breaking Boxes With CSS Fragmentation

Redesigning Github repository page – Ways to improve the usability of the repository page.
Redesigning Github repository page

UI Copy: UX Guidelines for Command Names and Keyboard Shortcuts – Best practices regarding labels for commands that appear in buttons, menu items, and other action-oriented elements.
UI Copy: UX Guidelines for Command Names and Keyboard Shortcuts

Behind the Scenes of ClassicPress – the WordPress Alternative – A look at this new WordPress fork, which has just released version 1.0.
Behind the Scenes of ClassicPress – the WordPress Alternative

Web Accessibility Guide – A curated collection of web accessibility tips, tricks, and best practices.
Web Accessibility Guide

Super Basic Icons – A collection of simple, easy-to-understand icons with both free and commercial versions.
Super Basic Icons

SpriteStack – An online 3D pixel art editing tool.

Accessibility, a powerful design tool – How to make better design decisions based on what really matters.
Accessibility, a powerful design tool

Text Trail Effect – A demo of an attention-grabbing text effect for a slideshow.
Text Trail Effect

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