Weekly News for Designers № 460

Stop building websites with infinite scroll! – Reasons why the feature can hurt UX.
Stop building websites with infinite scroll!

Design in China – Interview with Chinese studio A Black Cover Design.
Design in China

Every Website in 2018 – We don’t really do this, do we?
Every Website in 2018

The Design Trend of Using Triangles in Web Design – A look at websites that use the geometric shape as a design feature.
The Design Trend of Using Triangles in Web Design

Digital Psychology – A free library of psychological principles and examples.
Digital Psychology

Evericons – A free pack of icons for use in your projects.

Building a better GOV.UK, step by step – Documenting how the UK government website is making improvements.
Building a better GOV.UK, step by step

100 Days CSS Challenge – Create something unique and sharpen your skills.
100 Days CSS Challenge

The Grumpy Designer: Email Is the Worst – Why web designers are often stuck dealing with client email issues.
The Grumpy Designer: Email Is the Worst

Designing with Ratio – A new design tool for building sites that scale to all screen sizes.
Designing with Ratio

Designing Adobe’s Brand Illustration Style – The process of building a graphic illustration style for Adobe products.
Designing Adobe’s Brand Illustration Style

Thoughts on Building WordPress Membership Sites – Things to consider when building a member-based website.
Thoughts on Building WordPress Membership Sites

Splicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute Selectors – Learning how to use attribute selectors to the fullest.
Splicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute Selectors

SVG Marching Ants – Constructing a nifty animation effect.
SVG Marching Ants

Making your design systems dynamic – Why design systems need to account for interaction and real-world usage.
Making your design systems dynamic

Siteaudit – Automatically generate Pagespeed, Lighthouse and A11y audits for your website.

Shards Dashboard Lite Vue – A free Vue admin dashboard template.
Shards Dashboard Lite Vue

Roundy – A free, minimal Bootstrap blogging template.

Free Online Marketing & SEO Icon Set – Get 50 beautifully illustrated icons in SVG and PNG format.
Free Online Marketing & SEO Icon Set

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